About Us
Moving forward to our valued Customers
TOYOTA GLOBAL CITY INC. (TGC) was inaugurated on January 19, 2012 and is currently led by the Board of Directors whose ideas and outlook are centered towards “No. 1 in customer satisfaction and No. 1 in Quality in all aspects.” Toyota Global City, Inc. is committed to minimizing the impact of its activities and processes on the environment by promoting a more effective Environmental Management System in order to prevent pollution and ensure the protection of the environment, the dealership has earned an ISO 14001:2015 certification, awarded on November 27, 2018.
TGC is under Melandrex Holdings Incorporated (MHI) together with Toyota Pasong Tamo (TPT) and Toyota Angeles Pampanga (TAP). MHI also owns and operates M2 Car Accessories (M2 Car) and M2 Insurance Agency Inc. (M2 Insure). M2 Car supplies all the accessories requirements of TAP, TPT, and TGC, while M2Insure supplies the insurance requirements of the dealers.
Company Profile
Toyota Global City, Inc. (TGC) is a venture of Melandrex Holdings, Inc. (MHI), Toyota Tsusho Corporation (TTC) and Toyota Tsusho Philippines, Inc. (TTPH). MHI owns 70% of TGC, while TTC and TTPH own 25% and 5% respectively.
MHI is the holding company of the Macapagal Family incorporated in 2000, which has investments in two (2) other Toyota dealers, Toyota Pasong Tamo (TPT) and Toyota Angeles Pampanga (TAP). MHI also owns and operates M2 Car Accessories (M2 Car) and M2 Insurance Agency Inc. (M2 Insure). M2 Car supplies all the accessories requirements of TAP, TPT, and TGC, while M2 Insure supplies the insurance requirements of the dealers.
TTC is the trading affiliate of Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) and is listed in the Tokyo Stock Exchange. TTC owns and operates several Toyota dealerships around the world, and has been appointed distributor by TMC in some countries. TTPH is the Philippine subsidiary of TTC.
In the service of the Almighty, we shall be instruments for the promotion of quality life for Filipinos.
We shall bring the good news of quality TOYOTA products serving the customers’ needs efficiently and sincerely.
We shall contribute to the economic and social needs of dedicated and loyal team members; and recognize, promote and respect every team member’s dignity.
We shall be an excellent and quality company, serving God, country, customers, and team members.
This is our mission. We are TOYOTA GLOBAL CITY.
TOYOTA customers are extremely happy with TOYOTA GLOBAL CITY because:
Our facilities are clean, orderly and well maintained.
We know our duties and responsibilities, and perform them diligently and consistently.
We work fast.
We are honest.
We are courteous and sincere in our dealings with them.
We are proud of TOYOTA and TOYOTA GLOBAL CITY.
TGC construction began on April 5, 2011, and completed
on December 8, 2011.
TGC is inaugurated on January 19, 2012.
ISO 14001:2015 Certified

On the 27th day of November 2018, TOYOTA GLOBAL CITY Inc. gained a competitive advantage by being awarded with ISO 14001:2015 certification, the updated version of ISO environmental management system standard. This standard indicates good management and control of the environmental aspects and impact in line with the country’s legal and standard requirements as well as the best-practices of the organization leading to the objective of reducing wastes, costs and risks. This is a framework designed to measure and improve the way natural resources are used and disposed of by the organization. Through the ISO 14001:2015 Certification, Toyota Global City underwent assessments, trainings, documentations and process audits to ensure compliance to the standard.
DTI Gold Bagwis Award

This award is given to establishments that strictly adhere to various consumer laws, having Consumer Welfare Desk (CWD) and giving quality customer care to clients.
“Bagwis (local term for feather wing) Seal of Excellence” the certification is part of the DTI program which is recognized by the ASEAN Committee on Consumer Protection (ACCP) as one of the best practices of the country in consumer protection. The DTI – Bagwis Program gives due recognition to establishments that uphold the rights of consumers while practicing responsible business where consumers get the best value for money.
DTI Safety Seal

Toyota Global City Inc. (TGC) – Safety Seal Certified!
Every time you visit, you’re sure we follow the minimum public health standards set by the government against Covid-19.
Safety Seal No.: HDS104628
Registration Date: November 23, 2021
Valid until: November 23, 2022
National Privacy Commission Certified

NPC Seal of Registration